Frequently Asked Questions for International Students in Japanese Job Interviews



I am starting to prepare to find a job in Japan.

However, I am worried because I do not know what questions I will be asked at the interview.


I would like to know what questions interviewers want to ask international students.

What are the most common questions international students are asked in interviews?


It is your first time to find a job in Japan, so you are anxious about many things.

Here are six questions that international students are often asked at job interviews.

In this article, we will discuss some of the most frequently asked questions that international students are asked and how to answer them.

In addition, we will also introduce an article that introduces question intentions, how to answer them, and examples.

Please read to the end if you are an international student who wants to prepare how to answer frequently asked questions as a preparation for an interview.

Questions International Students Are Frequently Asked at Interviews, and How to Answer Them

Question 1: Reasons for studying in Japan

The first question that international students are often asked in interviews is “why study in Japan”.

Before answering this question, it is important to confirm why the interviewer is asking “why study in Japan”.

Many international students answer with answers such as “I like Japanese culture” or “I want to live in Japan.

However, by asking the reason for studying in Japan, the interviewer is confirming the purpose of studying in Japan.

So, by communicating your purpose for studying in Japan during the interview, you can show that you are goal-oriented and can work hard.

Question 2: Why do you want to work in Japan?

The second question that international students are often asked at interviews is why they want to work in Japan.

Unlike Japanese students, international students may return to their home countries someday.

Japanese companies want to hire people who will work for them for the long term, so they check to see if they are willing to work in Japan for the long term.

Question 3: Self-Introduction

The third of the most frequently asked questions in an interview is self-introduction.

Most interviews start with a self-introduction, so you need to be well prepared.

Point 1: Basic information such as name, university, faculty, department, and hometown.

point 2: Show your personality by briefly describing your hobbies, study abroad experience, what you are working on, part-time jobs, and what you are good at.

Question 4:What are your reasons for applying?

The fourth question that is often asked in an interview is the reason for applying.

Through the motivation, the interviewer confirms the applicant’s level of interest in the company.

To this end, the motive for application conveys “what I want to do and what I want to achieve.

You also need to show that you want to contribute to the company by utilizing your strengths and skills.

Question 5: The difficulties in Japan

The fifth question that is often asked in interviews is what was difficult in Japan.

We ask questions about what was difficult in order to confirm whether or not you will overcome difficulties when you face them after joining the company.

In order to be evaluated in the interview, the process of overcoming difficulties is conveyed rather than the difficult situation.

Question 6: JIKO-PR

The sixth question that is often asked in an interview is JIKO-PR.

When answering the self-promotion question, it is most important to highlight strengths that can be utilized at the company you are applying to.


To all international students, the most important factor when seeking employment in Japan is mastering the Japanese language. Smooth communication in Japan’s workplace environment and society relies on using the right words to express yourself effectively. Furthermore, having strong Japanese language skills provides advantages in various situations, from selecting job opportunities to interviews and actual job tasks. By enhancing your Japanese language proficiency, you can approach your work with confidence.


offers a solution to the language barrier faced by international students during job hunting by providing a free Japanese conversation room exclusively for foreign students. If you’re interested in learning Japanese, we encourage you to join us. Please feel free to participate!




A Guide to Japanese job Interviews