How to Introduce Yourself (Jikoshokai)in Japanese job interview


After completing my master’s degree, I decided to find a job in Japan instead of returning to my home country.

I started job hunting in earnest in March and had interviews with about 50 companies through many job hunting services.

Until June, I was always failing at interviews, but in July I received job offers from three companies.

I am delivering information on job hunting based on my experience of finding a job as an international student and career advisor.

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In this article, we will introduce one of the most frequently asked questions in an interview: how to Introduce yourself in Japanese.

1. why are you asked to “self-introduction”(Jikoshokai) in an interview?

Reason 1: To learn about students’ personalities and characteristics.

The first reason why “self-introduction” is asked in an interview is to learn about the student’s personality and characteristics.

Interviewers ask for self-introductions in order to learn “what kind of person the student is.

Therefore, through self-introduction, you should briefly introduce “what kind of person you are” to the interviewer.

Reason 2: To check Japanese level

The second reason why “self-introduction” is asked in an interview is to check the Japanese level of the international student.

The interviewer is checking to see if you can communicate yourself clearly in Japanese.

To make a good impression on the interviewer, practice your self-introduction in Japanese.

2. Points to convey in self-introduction

Point 1: Provide basic information

The first point to convey in self-introduction is basic information.

In self-introductions, first give basic information such as your name, university, faculty, and hometown.

For example, 私は〇〇大学〇〇学部の〇〇と申します。〇〇年、〇〇国から来ました。

Point 2: Communicate experience and characteristics

The second point to convey in self-introduction is experience and characteristics.

By conveying experiences and characteristics such as hobbies, study abroad experience, part-time jobs, and things you are good at in your self-introduction, you can show what you want to do and your personality.

In order for the interviewer to take an interest in you, tell them where you match the kind of person you want to hire.

For example, 学業以外アパレ販売のアルバイトをしてきました。販売員としてお客様のニーズを把握し、提案することを意識しています。また、売上目標を達成した時はやりがいを感じます。これからも社会人として働く上で、目標に向けて行動できる営業マンになりたいと考えております。」のように伝えましょう。

Point 3: Words of thanks

The third point to convey in your self-introduction is a word of thanks.

At the end of your self-introduction, say, 本日はお忙しい中、お時間をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。

3.Examples of self-introductions

Case 1: “Part-time work experience”






Case 2: “Hobbies






Example 3: Study Abroad Experience






4. What to avoid during an introduction

Note 1: Do not introduce yourself too long

The first thing to keep in mind when introducing yourself is not to introduce yourself too long.

You may talk for a long time because you want to show the interviewer a lot about yourself.

However, if you talk too much in your self-introduction, the interviewer will get tired of listening to it halfway through.

So, be aware of the time you have to speak so that your self-introduction is not too long.

Note 2: Self-introduction is not self-promotion(JIKO-PR)

The second thing to keep in mind when introducing yourself is not to confuse this with self-promotion.

Many students use self-introductions to highlight their strengths.

However, self-introduction and self-promotion are two different things.

If you answer the content of your self-promotion in your self-introduction, the interviewer may judge that you do not understand the meaning of the question.

Be careful not to confuse self-introduction and self-presentation.

Note 3: Speak clearly and cheerfully

The third thing to keep in mind when introducing yourself is to speak clearly.

If you speak in a listless, rambling manner when introducing yourself, you are not making a good first impression on the interviewer.

If you do not make a good first impression, the interviewer will not be interested in you.

Therefore, introduce yourself with a smile and speak briskly.


To all international students, the most important factor when seeking employment in Japan is mastering the Japanese language. Smooth communication in Japan’s workplace environment and society relies on using the right words to express yourself effectively. Furthermore, having strong Japanese language skills provides advantages in various situations, from selecting job opportunities to interviews and actual job tasks. By enhancing your Japanese language proficiency, you can approach your work with confidence.


offers a solution to the language barrier faced by international students during job hunting by providing a free Japanese conversation room exclusively for foreign students. If you’re interested in learning Japanese, we encourage you to join us. Please feel free to participate!




A Guide to Japanese job Interviews