
A Guide to Japanese job Interviews

How to Introduce Yourself (Jikoshokai)in Japanese job interview

After completing my master's degree, I decided to find a job in Japan instead of returning to my home country. I started...
A Guide to Japanese job Interviews

Frequently Asked Questions for International Students in Japanese Job Interviews

留学生Aさん I am starting to prepare to find a job in Japan. However, I am worried because I do not know what questions I wil...
A Guide to Japanese job Interviews

Words Not to Say in Japanese Interview

留学生Aさん Please let me know if there are any words I should not say in Japanese interview. 留学生の就活ナビ I thought that many in...
A Guide to Japanese job Interviews

「Japanese Job Interview」How to answer when asked what was difficult in japan

留学生Aさん I struggled to answer when I was asked about challenges during an interview. I wasn't sure how to respond to that...
A Guide to Japanese job Interviews

How to Promote Yourself for an Internship in Japan

I often receive this question from international students seeking advice on job hunting: 'I want to participate in an in...
A Guide to Japanese job Interviews

How to Answer ‘Why Do You Want to Work in Japan?’ During an Interview

留学生Aさん When asked about why I want to work in Japan during an interview, I'm unsure if it's okay to express my true thou...
A Guide to Japanese job Interviews

How to Answer Questions About Studying Abroad in Japan

Why You Are Asked About 'Reasons for Studying Abroad in Japan Reason 1: Understanding the Purpose of Studying Abroad in ...
A Guide to Japanese job Interviews

How to Respond When Asked ‘Will You Join Us If Offered the Job? in Japan

In this guide, we'll discuss how to handle the unexpected question, "Will you join us if offered the job?" during an int...


毎日バイトばかりで、日本語はN1に合格したものの、話すのが得意ではなかった文系の留学生が、約50社の面接を経て内定を獲得した経験をもとにした「外国人留学生のための就活ガイド」を無料で公開中です。 LINE友達追加でゲットする 留学生 Aさん...


「日本企業のインターンシップに参加したいけど、自己PR をどう書けばいいのか?」 最近、就活相談をする外国人留学生からこんな質問をされていることが多いのです。 日本企業の選考で自己PRを求められます。なので、インターンシップの選考を通過する...